Monday, October 24, 2016

I have a blog??

I have a blog apparently. Hello bloggers.

This week has been fairly lame in some ways. All of the appointments we had scheduled with our investigators canceled or didn't happen. We had lots of bike troubles, and by we, I mean Elder Hills. He got flats on his front tire daily. Luckily on Saturday he got his own bike, and he is ecstatic. He got it from craigs list and payed $650 for it. Its a full on mountain bike with full suspension, and has phat wheels. Horrible for roads, but you know, he's happy. Well one day we were walking because right after dinner the tire was popped, and we had an appointment with our investigators, so we walked all the way there, only to find out that they have company over and that we should have texted before we came. As if it was our fault. People these days. 
To all out there: Please be responsible adults.

Good things happened this week too. We taught this guy named Michael. He is the coolest kind of African (not racist). He is fluent in french too. He had tons of good questions that we were able to answer about the "Mormons". We taught him the restoration among all the questions. He is super busy, and only said we could talk with him for a half hour, but he kept talking to us for an hour because he found it interesting. No return appointment, but he said he would come to church. But alas, he didn't. We will give him a real talking to this week. 

We also talked with this really awesome Lutheran guy named Ronald. He is an outstanding guy. A go getter, do-it-yourself personality. Much of the time, it felt like he was very subtly cautioning us to rethink what we believe, because the devil still gets you even though you may have 97% of the truth. He was talking about that scripture in the bible about judgement, and how Jesus said "I know ye not" even though the people did all kinds of service in his life. Ronald is super smart, but all he focuses on is the scriptures. He doesn't take revelation from the spirit.

Have a nice week!

Package time 
Thank You Nikki (for the package)

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